Upcoming Education Opportunities
Join our CRNO AGM, June 4, 10:30-11:15 am, just before the Spring CACPR conference!
Karen Harkness, Clinical Strategist with CorHealth Ontario, will be providing the membership with an update on activities supporting the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation community over this most extraordinary year of COVID 19
Click here to register:
6th Annual CACPR Spring Conference 2021: Transitions
April 2020 CR Bibliography
Access a list of the latest publications in our field in our monthly bibliography attachment.
Also, here is a link to a library resource with compiled Cardiac Rehabilitation information: https://guides.hsict.library.utoronto.ca/c.php?g=695776&p=5047812
Cardiovascular Rehab in COVID Times
Many of our programs are facing challenges to care for our vulnerable patient population during the evolving covid situation. We hear of many programs across the province converting to virtual care through home based programming, and others having to close because of staff redeployment.We are compiling resources to help support patients and cardiovascular rehabilitation providers alike. Below, you will find online education opportunities, and a virtual care toolkit. If you have resources or tools you would like to share, please contact us.
If your program has had to close because of covid, we want to hear from you, to see if we can help connect your patients with other provincial rehab resources. Please contact us!
Online Patient Education Resources:
UHN Cardiac College: Online platform with patient education materials, action planning documents, podcasts on healthy eating, and much more!University Health Network’s Cardiac Rehab Program is also offering free live education sessions every Monday to Thursday at 1:00 pm on topics related to managing heart health during this Covid crisis. They will be 30 min long followed by a q-a session. Unanswered questions will be addressed. All sessions will be recorded and posted on the Health e-University YouTube channel. The details are in the attached flyer.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute has created a resource web page for heart patients during this covid crisis. The web page includes links to all the cardiac rehabilitation resources (guides and videos) used by the UOHI Cardiac Rehab team.
Visit the UOHI YouTube channel for Heart Health tips on exercise (french version), and nutrition (french version).
Central East Regional Cardiovascular Rehab Program, also has a dedicated web site, with patient education resources, with exercise and education videos.
Virtual Care Toolkit:
Home Programming Toolkits:
- UOHI CR Home cues
- UHN Rumsey site Home Program Toolkit, attached below
Troubleshooting OTN:
- Videoconferencing in a nutshell
- Setting up an eVisit: provider and patient
2014 CCN Standards for the Provision of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in Ontario

Access the 2014 Standards here: